Muhammad;A peace maker

Muhammad;A peace maker

Muhammad PBUH was a true peace maker in the real sense of this world, which has no secret agenda nor the lust of power like the peace makers of today, who are engulfing the resources of the poor people on this so called peace making mission.

Karen Armstrong

Karen Armstrong who is a British author and commentator known for her books on comparative religions. Karen Armstrong in his biography of the prophet Muhammad PBUH very justly narrates the sacrifices of the Holy Prophet Muhammad bin Abdulaah PBUH in which he endangered his life for the sake of reaching to a peaceful solution. Many times he faced situations where he was offered easy compromises but he remained firm on his long lasting peace making mission.

Karen Armstrong

Arabian Society at the Time of Muhammad;Pringle Kennedy

Pringle Kennedy

Arabian Society at the Time of Muhammad, published in 1926, by Thacker, Spink & Co

 When Christianity conquered Caesarism at the commencement of the fourth century, it, in its turn, became Caesarised. No longer was it the pure creed which had been taught some three centuries before. It had become largely de spiritualised, ritualised, materialised .......
How, in a few years, all this was changed, how, by 650 AD a great part of this world became a different world from what it had been before, is one of the most remarkable chapters in human history .... This wonderful change followed, if it was not mainly caused by, the life of one man, the Prophet of Mecca ....

Mahatma Ghanid's Views about Muhammad PBUH

Mahatma Ghandi's Views about Muhammad PBUH

Famous Indian leader and human right activist Mr. Mahatma Ghandi explained his views about the messenger of God Muhammad PBUH and he said that he is greatly inspired by the personality of the prophet. Here is his quotation about this...
Mahatma Ghandi Views about Muhammad PBUH